About the project

We’re an evolving community of Jews from assorted backgrounds seeking to understand what it means to be Jewish today through our writing.

We come to our writing without pre-conditions, seeking through words a path that will lead us to a deeper understanding of our connection to our heritage.

When you participate in The Jewish Writing Project, it doesn’t matter if you’re born Jewish or if you converted to Judaism, if only one of your parents is Jewish or if neither parent is Jewish.

All that matters is that you possess the desire to tell others about a particular experience that may have shaped your understanding of what it means to be a Jew, the willingness to explore a memory about being Jewish that holds a special place in your heart, or the wish to express your thoughts about how being Jewish has enriched your life (or made your life more difficult).

You’re welcome to share stories, poems, memoirs, interviews–even random thoughts–as long as you keep the focus on being Jewish and on what being Jewish means to you.

Together we can provide each other with new ways of looking at and understanding what it means to be Jewish today.

For more information about The Jewish Writing Project, write to Bruce Black at:


We look forward to reading your story, and thank you for thinking of the Project as a possible home for your work.


Bruce Black, Editorial Director

Madeline Black, Associate Editor

17 responses to “About the project

  1. Jane Freeman

    Hi Bruce–Our head of school passed on your e-mail to me (I’m the head of our English Department at Solomon Schechter in West Orange, NJ). What a wonderful idea you’ve had! I am going to find a way to encourage our students–and who knows, maybe an adult or two– to contribute to your project. Best wishes!

    Jane Freeman

  2. Bruce Black

    Thanks so much for your note… and for introducing your students to the site. I’ll look forward to reading their work soon.

  3. Hi Bruce,

    My name is Jack and I am the admin for Haveil Havalim, the Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere blogging carnival.

    Every week we run a carnival that highlights some of the best posts of the Jblogosphere. You might want to consider submitting a post about the project. We’d be happy to help you promote it.

  4. Wonderful idea. Thanks for creating this blog.

  5. Bruce Black

    Many thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll share some of your own explorations of Judaism here soon.

  6. Hi Bruce,
    Nice and valuable project. I looked at your Sources and nowhere did I find a link to our journal -Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal. It enjoys over 21K hits a day!
    I’d be very happy to see a link to it in your sources section. We also feature fiction works.
    Many thanks,

  7. Bruce Black

    Dr. Eylon,
    Thanks for bringing your journal to my attention. I’m eager to take a look and will add it to the resource section soon.

  8. Thanks for adding my blog to your blogroll.

  9. What a great project.
    In previous years the anti-semitic society forced Jews to stay within their community and maintain their Jewishness whether they wanted to or not. In a way the American’s society’s willingness to accept diversity actually makes staying Jewish more challenging.
    My friend and I recently launched a blog about Jewish living: family, culture, holidays, and Israel and we will be happy to share some of our stories with this project.

  10. myra kaplan

    do you have meetngs or is this only an omline roup? i would like to join a group that meets.

  11. Bruce Black

    Sorry, Myra, but this is an online project. Hope you’ll find a group that meets your needs. Perhaps you’ll write a story about it!

  12. I’m not Jewish but am fascinated by religion, and I’m so inspired by this blog. What a cool idea, I’m excited to follow along! I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far

  13. Bruce Black

    Glad to hear you’re enjoying the posts. Thanks for following.

  14. Joan Sable

    So many wonderful words are buried along with our families. But, thankfully, some of them live on in our memories. I would love to jot down a few (before I forget them) because the stories I have are of how members of my family faced their needs while living in poverty in “America”. The streets were not filled with gold, but at least they were not filled with Nazis.

    They managed to take care of their needs, each other and we even had a “family bank”. We had our own “Molly Goldberg”, funny, loving, caring and one word from her and the entire family listened.

    Where can I read some of the stories submitted and where do I send what I am writing?

  15. Joan, thanks for writing. You can submit your stories or poems to bruceblack @ ymail.com. And to read the stories on the project, you can scroll down to see more stories, click on the subject list (on the right hand side of the page), or search past months. It’s different if you read the site on a phone or computer. Hope this helps.

  16. Hello Bruce –
    Glad to have found this project. I am working on an artist book my year of saying the mourner’s kaddish. While my work will not be a writing project in the typical sense the writings of your followers are nourishing me.
    Thank you.
    Judith Serling-Sturm
    Cincinnati, OH

  17. Thanks, Judith, for your kind words. I’m glad to hear you’re finding nourishment in the poems and stories for your project.

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